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tv   WGN Midday News  CW  July 28, 2011 12:00pm-1:00pm CDT

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and more is on the way ... that afternoon i am dan ponce in for steve sanders ... and am dina bair we welcome our viewers who are watching around the country and on the web ... >>with our top story nancy loo reports from schaumburg ... after last night this couple is planning more renovations ... >>at the height of this latest
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round of storms it seemed to be raining by the buckets which led to the same problems for a new round of people in skokie a downed traffic light led to a crash at a certain intersection and all over the northwestern suburbs people are dealing with downed trees and power lines and lightning strikes which was a big problem last night in highland park schaumburg and trucks river grove fortunately nobody got hurt but there were rattled ... >>it was very scary and wet and upstanding and here in my p.j.'s ... >>people need to be on alert for more flooding we are dealing with the wettest july ever around here experts warned that flooding can occur much faster because the ground is already saturated ...
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>>more than 250 comed crews are out today working to get service back on for customers lost electricity in the overnight storms about 55,000 homes and businesses across the area are still without power today that includes 16,000 in the city of chicago 14,000 in the northern region 4400 to the south and 21,000 in the west mostly those in rockford a 4000 outages have been restored and man from grayslake was really struck by lightning during the storms take a look at this amazing video tam gramm sent us of that incident at 1030 last night he was filming a storm on his i phone from the end of his crotchcarriage ... when lightning hit the
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ground he said that he was thrown back words into his car but he will be ok ... >>for 53 years of little girls killing remained painful mystery the man accused in her murder reined in dekalb county court today chilean cruise has a live report ... >>he appeared on a closed- circuit tv in the court room he's charged with murder kidnapping in the abduction of a child a charge that doesn't even exist in illinois statues 50¢ years ago maria ridolph was murdered if found guilty mccullough will be sentenced according to the 1958 criminal statutes presenting a legal challenge for both sides with lawyers familiarizing themselves with those old statutes back when the girls found in a wooded
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area it sent the dekalb county population in morning the family has grieved for five decades yesterday the victim's body was exhumed here in sycamore they want to strengthen this case with dna evidence ... >>mccullough said he understood the charges against him and asked for a court-appointed attorney ... >>the family of murder victim ron the writer has been awarded $49 and a civil case against marni yang it could county jury awarded the amount to yang's relatives yesterday she was convicted back in march of killing a pregnant girlfriend a former chicago bear shaun gayle she is serving two back-to-back life sentences for the 2007 murder ... >>yang is unlikely to pay the
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amount ... >>to rapid response units once considered key components of fighting crime in chicago will to stand next month the chicago police department's mobile strike force and targeted response unit will no longer resist beginning august 18th the move was expected after mayor rana manuals announcement of the redeployment of a hundred 50 officers from those units jody weis had developed them when he took over the department back in 2008 after warning yesterday that layoffs are inevitable county board president toni preckwinkle released a preliminary 2012 budget today the budget estimate projects at 13 fifth$315 million shortfall prep winkle is already taking steps to deal with falling revenues ... governor quinn has tapped
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the daughter of chicago alderman ed burke and illinois supreme court justice anne burke for a high-paying state job since 2009 alderman burke's political campaign from his london donated to under $50,000 to governor quinn campaigns justice burke's were inclined to our office the governors nominated the couple's daughter jennifer to the state pollution control board opposed it pays hundred $70,000 justice burke says that her daughters appointment is not connected to any political donations to the governor the governor's office says the jennifer burke is had experience an environmental protection issues as a lawyer for the city of chicago ...
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today on his plan to solve the debt crisis. house speaker john
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banners proposal would save $915 billion over 10 years but the measure faces tough resistance not only are democrats solidly opposed to it but some tea party lawmakers are against it that he party really wants to see an amendment to the constitution requiring a balanced budget making it harder to raise federal taxes if congress fails to raise the debt limit by tuesday people may see rising interest rates it may hurt the country's credit rating and his proposal is getting mixed support from five of illinois freshman republican congressman bobby schilling of colonna says he's definitely leaning yes bob dold of canada or if kenilworth says that he will vote yes randy holtgren a winfield is expected to vote no and adam kinzinger of montana is undecided and joe walsh's not sure sign he is reviewing that plan and joe walsh says that his
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ex-wife's lawsuit against him is a private matter and that's been worked downcourt the sun-times reports laura walsh filed suit in december club and her husband owns more than one is $17,000 in child-support she also says that he has to share any of those expenses for their three children the suit claims that he loaned money to his own campaign and took trips to mexico and europe while claiming he had little or no money in amex hundred $75,000 as a first term congressman has lawyer says the congressman has e-mail's it shows wife was willing to settle for less ... >>and multimillion-dollar contract will determine today's top business stories are coming up next ... you may only
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need one shot to protect against the flow of all types details on the universal vaccine in the works and we'??>>xññ@@@@x
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in stocks they are bouncing back at this hour based on the economic data with fewer unemployment filings and better than expected home sales but the developments on the debt ceiling talks is what has everyone nervous ... if there is no deal before the market's close on friday afternoon white house officials said they will brief americans about what to expect about which bills will be paid
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first if that debt limit is not raced if you are disgusted by the political wrangling going on in washington so is china they are the biggest holders of u.s. treasurys they are appalled by the gridlock that's what a morgan stanley executive has told bloomberg news the standoff could lead to more eyewitness in the u.s. dollar and that will push up prices for oil grain and meat and other commodities in america and in the rest of the world get ready to shell out extra cash at an eraat panera bread which will be passing along higher commodity costs to consumers before the end of the year and united continental is grounding flights today because of a pilot sick out ... that compounds the
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24 flights cancelled yesterday an unusually high amount of pilots called in sick and most fly those boeing 37 jets many were at newark airport and one in houston ... a multimillion-dollar contract will determine where you can eat for a shop at o'hare airport that is getting voted today at the chicago city council ... chicago alderman have approved the multimillion dollar concession deal that will apply to o'hare terminal 5 the international terminal they awarded westfield concession management a multi-year contract deal that company will renovate
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the concession area at the terminal it's worth 26 $9 creating 300 million jobs and will guarantee the city added ranch revenue it's a deal that the mayor was after pushing for over letting the company who has run the concessions since 1993 under daily to get another shot at the contract ... >>i am proud of the city council for standing up ... some wanted to vote no for different reasons but the past is the past there is a new way of doing business in the bottom line is the on- line that matters and that's how the taxpayers of this city of chicago are to be treated and we took a good step into the future for the airport the jobs will create and the economics of that airport ...
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>>the mayor got involved as he was transitioning into office ... some alderman though approving at said that the deal may not be transparent enough and maybe ship looked at a little bit more closely because they are concerned about the repercussions from that parking meter fiasco and don't want a repeat of a similar situation ... but many alderman got up and believe that they've wanted to modernize and move for and that the deal will be good for the airport and the city ... it's been called a groundbreaking film all shot in one day by thousands of people the moviemakers behind life in a day tell us about their unique project coming up next and live
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music this midday from mississippi native k.c. johns her new album carrousel ride is out now...
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in has incredible intensity it brought ... it made me cry ... the film brings together compelling footage into a 90 minute movie this is oscar winning director kevin macdonald and joe walker ... you asked people to send and videos of a typical day ... benha this was organic to us we wanted to know what was going on around people's lives and then ask them reasonable questions when you carry around with you what you love what do you fear we got lots of responses from almost a hundred 92 countries around the
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world use the 54 countries represented ... there was an epic task to cut all the material and get down to the meat to produce one minute ... >>what was your editing process? we had 24 researchers fluent in many languages over a few months we made careful selections with rating systems ... we documented and tech things we
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sifted it through we tried to pull everything together ... this does not look like amateur photography or if cinematography ... there was amazing revel inresolution with some of these clips ... once you do a little bit of post-production and color enhancement you can get something that looks professionally enriched with some of the obvious charm making it more sincere and intimate even ... >>do you think people waited for
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a special day or was this genuinely happenstance for them? >>it's hard to tell if we were suspicious about anything we would try to check the sources or the context or the continuity for correctness ... to the best of our knowledge ever clip was filled on a 24 the july 2010 ... >>chicago contributed to this and made a difference you say ... clips from the ukraine and from chicago were the highest quality clips we had some
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brilliant entries from here in the chicago area at a screening last night here we were able to have them in the audience and was very moving ... there bit was a big deal ... a woman from outside of chicago who filmed her husband and son when she came out of hospital after receiving a cancer treatment they really opened up their lives about what they were going through it is tremendously moving ... just a clip pulled me and i can't wait to see it ... we have
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all of the information on our web page wgn thank you gentlemenitst
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saying goodbye. longtime engineers john bobera and jim wirth are retiring today. john has been with our station for nearly 49 years jim started at wgn 43 years ago
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thanks for all of your hard work over the years have a happy and healthy retirement ... >>they're fantastic when i came here that we had radio and the building and john would be up there in the radio booth and jim is a fan.. ... we have broken records for july with rain fall ... we are not out of the woods yet with this weather it's already in the '90s with in the southern suburbs and downstate flirting with 100
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degrees ... the hot air domed down south is driving a lot of the weather around the country. northwest illinois was hit hard with those storms firing four hours ... there's a nocturnal phase in these storms that causes them to explode so we still have a flood watch ... the lightning activity is beginning to fade however ...
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the intensity is fading we began with heavy rains in the northern suburbs last night keep an eye on this area 14 in. of rain overnight in parts of the dubuque area that's like 1 years rain ... we broke a 122 year record here are some of the rainfall totals: here is what happened closer to home ...
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look at those wind gusts after midnight last night in hinsdale riverside and here in this city 93 mi. per hour gusts ... at this hour is 91 degrees. downstate is getting closer to 100 degree heat ... it's 79 degrees at midway ... kankakee
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is 91 degrees said that shows you the difference between us and downstate temperatures right now there's lots of energy and moisture feeding into the storm patterns lots of humidity here are the flood watches on green in the map ... we're on the edge of a jet stream here is the forecast ... any one of these can produce torrential downpours. we have a record amount of moisture in the air
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... by the weekend it's all over. high pressure will command but we should get some pretty gorgeous weather ... kenosha make it3 in. might get that much there ... clouds and hopefully some sunbreaks ... wins will be variable south to southwest
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wind ... tomorrow we will have morning showers and storms will lead to human hazy 87 degree day ... saturday will begin to show some sunshine and we will reach 90 degrees with a degree temperatures near the beaches ... lots of lightning strikes last night ... one of the lightning strikes hit the building now is in last night we went to see but no fire ... thankfully ... time for today's
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trivia: johnny cash's folsom prison blues is actually based off of what song? [ male announcer ] we asked real people if they'd help us with an experiment for febreze fabric refresher. they agreed. [ experimenter 1 ] relax, take some nice deep breaths. [ experimenter 2 ] what do you smell? lilac. clean. there's something that's really fresh. a little bit beach-y. like children's blankets. smells like home. [ experimenter 1 ] okay. take your blindfolds off. ♪ ♪ hello? [ male announcer ] and now new and improved febreze
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fabric refresher with up to two times the odor elimination so you can breathe happy guaranteed. so, what are we going to do with this? i don't know. the usual? [ blower whirring ] sometimes it pays to switch things up. my - what, my hair? no. car insurance. i switched to progressive and they gave me discounts for the time i spent with my old company. saved a bunch. that's a reason to switch. big savings -- it's a good look for you. [ blower whirring ]
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[blower stops] the safety was off. out there with a better way. now, that's progressive. the bears report to camp tomorrow and right now all the talk is about trading receiver rasheid davis has agreed to terms with the detroit lions on a one-year deal and sources say that the bears are exploring trade options for greg olsen he has been mentioned in trade talks ever since my martz took over the offense last year his agent to drew rosenhaus even set out an e-mail to all 32 nfl teams last night saying the bears were making olsen available for trade only to rescind it 11 minutes later the rubber match between at the white sox and the detroit
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tigers last night allan hunter day as the was called up from the minors to replace the recently benched alex rios and he hit a home run in his first time at bat by the ninth inning carlos quentin made a diving catch to clinch it for the white sox before yesterday's game in a white sox traded edwin jackson and mark teahen to the toronto blue jays for pitching prospect and reliever jason frasor or frasers and oak forest high school graduate toronto then shipped jackson to st. louis for colby ross must the phillies are reportedly very interested in carlos quentin and that borden had scouts from the rangers watching him the cubs have traded@í outfielder kasuke for good, i to the cleveland indians for two minor league prospects the cubs will pick up most of
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the remaining contract and promote tyler colvin from the aaa leak the thethe cubs lost 2-0 final game of the serious with milwaukee ... here are the lottery numbers the pick three came: 0 7 7 moving onto the pick 4 : 3 6 6
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1 $74 million are in the mega millions jackpot be sure to get your ticket..
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an accident doesn't have to slow you down. with better car replacement,
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available only from liberty mutual insurance if your car's totaled, we give you the money to buy a car that's one model-year newer... with 15,000 fewer miles on it. there's no other auto insurance product like it. better car replacement available only from liberty mutual. it's a better policy that gets you a better car. call... or visit one of our local offices today, and we'll provide the coverage you need at the right price. liberty mutual auto insurance -- responsibility. what's your policy? on the medical watch a new study finds no link between cellphones and brain tumors in children and teenagers ... the
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brains of young trees users were believed to be more vulnerable but cellphone usage of onion people has been soaring in decades but there are no evidence of brain tumors in the u.s. or in europe ... >>over 3000 people one each year die from the flu and more than 200,000 year hospitalized with the virus doctor's struggle to develop new vaccines each year to keep up with it but had something there close to perfecting a onetime vaccine that would protect against all mutations of the flu virus eliminating the need to get a shot every year researchers at the national institutes of health said that the shock could arrive within the next five years ... betty loren maltese
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has to see in her house get auctioned ... the proceeds will be held in escrow until her legal appeals are finalized she has maintained her innocence since being arrested in 2001 ... she has served eight years in a california prison she lost custody of her adopted a teenager is daughter who lives with her estranged sister she lives in the south suburbs of a modest widow's pension ... the 1200 sq. ft. ranch with the to carter rushed unfinished basement has some oldmold the $87,000 that
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bought the house will be hers if she loses ... no restitution ... >>if i bought it i would give it back to her she has been good to cicero many residents love her she offered to take a new buyer of the home for lunch at freddie's pizza ... to fill in on the history.. the lunch break is coming up next where we give ordinary cupcakes extraordinary toppings
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so i was the guy who was never going to have the heart attack. i thought i was invincible. i'm on an aspirin regimen now because i never want to feel that helplessness again. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. talk to your doctor, and take care of what you have to take care of. patty rothman owner of more cupcakes is back with us today. i like cookies and cream ice cream so i thought this would be really good for a cupcake ... we
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like oreos. >>it's a great thing to do with your kids it's cupcakes it smashing food ... >>you can never have enough oreos so we smash up a cookie and make a crossedust at the bottom of your cupcake liners with this you can also fold those crumbs into the cake that you bake ... but here comes the best part ... you crumble the cookies
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coarsely ... the kids love to do this ... and you take those and fold them into the buttercream frosting ... so it's everywhere ! now we will show you how easy it is to decorate ... you don't need a lot of precision ... we are taking the crumbs folding them into the buttercream icing
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... lookout easy thesix..... keep going you don't need precision it does not matter how floppy you aresloppy.. you just shake
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bit like a dome with your hand ... this is one of my personal favorites key lime for summer with a grim cracker crust and we have manga goo and red velvet and lemon meringue and raspberry
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... more cupcakes is at 1 east delaware in chicago ... we have the recipe on our web site wgn ... lots of smiles in the studio today! it follows you wherever you go. it's a cloud of depression. and although you've been on an antidepressant for at least six weeks you're frustrated that your depressive symptoms
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are still with you. seroquel xr, when added to an antidepressant is approved for the treatment of major depressive disorder. for many, taking seroquel xr with an antidepressant was proven more effective for treating unresolved symptoms of depression than an antidepressant alone. call your doctor if you have unusual changes in mood, behavior or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. elderly dementia patients taking seroquel xr have an increased risk of death. call your doctor if you have fever, stiff muscles, and confusion as these may be signs of a life-threatening reaction or if you have uncontrollable muscle movements as these could become permanent. high blood sugar has been reported with seroquel xr and medicines like it and in extreme cases can lead to coma or death. your doctor should check for cataracts. other risks include increased cholesterol and weight gain as well as seizures, dizziness on standing, drowsiness, impaired judgment and trouble swallowing
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and decreases in white blood cells which can be fatal. use caution before driving or operating machinery. for more help putting distance between you and your depression, ask your doctor about adding seroquel xr today. learn more at if you can't afford your medication astrazeneca may be able to help. now the answer to today's trivia question ... johnny cash's folsom prison blues is actually based off of what song? >>the answer is crescent city blues ... it's 78 degrees here in chicago 90 downstate ... those showers
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gave us fog and pays and that will continue ... we will go into a period where we quiet down the lightning is going away ... let's look at what happens tonight by 8:00 this evening it partly cloudy with storms developing again until three in the morning at 4:00 a.m. tomorrow morning ... the rain will stay with us overnight into the morning and and things will start to clear up ... tropical storm don is working over the gulf of mexico ... that system is tracking at
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45 mi. per hour should hit landfall some time tomorrow @wnight into saturday morning near corpus christi ... the 7 day forecast has is going back up to 90 degrees inland with some light breezes bring things cooler to the beaches ... the storms tonight are bringing us another flood watch i will keep you posted ... >>thank you so much for joining us today we hope you have a great afternoon we will leave you with more music from carousel ride the new album by
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k.c. johns ...


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